Judy Barnhard 和 Stephanie Anderson to Present on Investment Policy Development at 2023 GWSCPA Nonprofit Symposium

GWSCPA Symposium Presentation Investment Policy Development Header Image

朱迪斯·P. Barnhard, CPA, CFP®, CDF实验组, an executive vice president 和 director of professional services, wealth management 和 financial planning at 老葡京手机app, 和 Stephanie Anderson, 非洲金融共同体, CFP®, CDF实验组A®, manager of divorce financial planning 和 wealth management at 老葡京手机app, are scheduled to present on December 12 at the 2023 Greater Washington Society of CPAs Nonprofit Symposium.

他们的会话, entitled Investing for Impact: A Guide to Not-for-Profit Investment Policies, is scheduled from 8:00 – 8:50 am, will address the foundation of an investment policy for not-for-profit organizations 和 how to create one. The presenters will delve into investment policy best-practices to ensure attendees are equipped with the knowledge they need to support their organizations’ financial impact on their communities.

老葡京手机app will also serve as a bronze sponsor at this year’s symposium. 点击这里 to learn more about 老葡京手机app’s not-for-profit expertise including experience.

Councilor, 葡京会手机app下载 & Mitchell (老葡京手机app) is a professional services firm delivering tax, accounting 和 business advisory expertise throughout the Mid-Atlantic region from offices in 马里兰州贝塞斯达 和 华盛顿特区.   

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